Jon Stewart on Wed, 11 Aug 2004 17:38:58 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [ALACPP] GCC and friends

> Jon Stewart wrote:
> > I've got a slackware 10 box with an encrypted RAID1 for /home, with every 
> > service shut down except for ssh. So data security and integrity is done.
> Ugh... nothing will kill your compile times more than encrypted RAID. :-(

If I find that I'm getting disk-bound, I might throw in a fat wad of RAM. 
Right now I'm at 256MB on a 900MHz Duron. I'm running reiser 3.6 as my 
filesystem and a 2.6.7 kernel. The software raid and disk encryption is 
via the new device mapper way of doing things; cryptoloop seemed pretty 
scary. I've yet to do any serious profiling as I'm still working on 
low-hanging fruit (e.g. ccache). Running X is the single biggest thing I 
can do to kill performance (my graphics hardware sucks).

> For the record, I'm increasingly leaning towards Gentoo for C++ 
> development. Source-based distros avoid that whole mess of "which 
> version of g++/libstdc++ was it compiled with" behind.

Yes, I'm intrigued by Gentoo. I've tried using a couple of the package 
managers/distros for MacOS X (Fink, darwin ports), but I tend to end up in 
circular dependency hell. I don't particularly want to use a lot of 
applications, I want something that's pretty transparent so I can 
understand it, and I want something that's secure. Slackware has been a 
good distro for me in those regards. I have a pretty good handle on what 
my machine is doing. When I feel more comfortable with the build tools, I 
may move on to Gentoo.

> 3.4.1 has anumber of other nice features, including a much better parser 
> and an actually usable iostreams library (large file support *finally*).

Heh. You search engine folks with your large files.

> > I'm using subversion for source control (SO much better than CVS).
> I'm partial to arch, but hey, anything is better than CVS.

I use SourceSafe at work, and I find that it is no worse than CVS on a 
day-to-day basis. Which is pretty sad commentary. :-)

Subversion seems to have the big 'Mo in the community. When I get to the 
point where I need better branch development support, then I'll reconsider 
my options (or if Subversion gets too slow, I'll switch to Perforce). I 
don't know why, but I always feel reassured when a piece of open source 
software has good, working Windows support, with a double-clickable 
installer, and quite a bit of documentation. It was pretty easy to get up 
and running; so far, so good.

> I always like to have a 2nd, good quality compiler. Intel's icc is 
> apparently available as "free for non-commercial use". I'd get that.


> > Is distcc worth it (I would have to install a cross compiler as my
>  > other machine is a Mac)?
> Setting up a cross compiler can be a pain, although Dan Kegel as a nice 
> how-to. That said, depending on the relative power of the other box, 
> distcc can be a huge win.

Yes, I stumbled upon Dan's page. I might have to try his tool out. I just 
had the native build of 3.4.1 fail on my Mac, so now I am feeling more 
determined to do this and solve it. If I could get my Mac to help out with 
linux-x86 builds, that would be a huge educational windfall, whatever the 
performance benefit. My iMac is roughly the same speed as my linux box. I 
have a relatively fast Dell laptop wending its way through our IT 

> > Any emacs modules that are must-haves for C++ developers?
> Some standard ones are speedbar, semantic bovinator, folding mode, 
> doxymacs, EDE, etc. Alternatives to speedbar include ebrowse, ECB (Emacs 
> Code Browser), OO-Browser, etags, or for the very brave... COGRE.
> There's an EmacsWiki with a pretty comprehensive set of suggestions for 
> programmers to look at:

Cool! Thanks for the resource.

> If you have ccache and distcc setup, your compiles are quick enough that 
> you might want to look at flymake. I haven't used it yet as Emacs's 
> syntax checking goes a long way for me, but it sounds like the coolest 
> thing:

Bitchen! I'm probably a little underpowered for that currently, but maybe 
for the laptop.

> > What about build tools, e.g. make? Am I still best off with make, due
>  > its ubiquity and simplicity,
> Make + autoconf/automake is probably the right way to go.
> > or can ant/bjam/custom python scripts/whatever offer me more (as 
> > subversion offers enough more than CVS to justify the upgrade)?
> Honestly, bjam is really not impressing me. I've heard that Ant's 
> cpptask is getting there, but there is no substitute for a good make. ;-)

I've used ant before, and it's cool. But, yeah, not so much with the C++ 
support. I'm subscribed to boost-users, and their build environment seems 
to be a frequent source of errors for people. Part of this is a lack of 
organization, but I can't help but feel that part of it is a reliance on a 
non-standard build tool.

Jon Stewart                                 Advanced Los Angeles C++
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