Arlo Belshee on Thu, 6 May 2004 10:02:44 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [ALACPP] const char* NULL to std::string api

I'd state that even more strongly: the point of passing a ref instead of a ptr
is to state that NULL is not a valid value. The compiler will help to ensure
that no-one passes NULL, but it can't do everything. Really, the interface
change is to tell all of the users that NULL is not a string (although "" is).

So, I repeat Chris (as is often the case). Make it a string* if NULL is a
valid value; make it a string& if the only valid values are (possibly empty)
strings. Thus, if you make it a ref, then you don't need to support NULL - I
might even write a temporary transition stub that performs a NULL-check and
throws a logic_error exception or snags interrupt 3. Of course, I'd remove the
stub as soon as the transition was complete (the caller had also been changed
as needed).


> I think I would test for NULL, if it was really neccessary, just because of
> the lower overhead.  But I agree with Chris that the *point* of passing by
> reference instead of by pointer is to have the compiler do the null check
> for you.
> --Domenic
>> This would seem like correct behavior to me. Contractually,
>> "const std::string&" doesn't allow for a null value to be passed, and
>> logic_error is about the kind of exception I'd expect from that
>> scenario. This is the kind of thing that I *like* about the "modern"
>> interface, as it avoids me having to write special case code for null
>> string pointers.
>> If you are hell bent on supporting the old behavior. I'd be tempted to
>> do something like this:
>> //Silly doFoo() guard that swallows the exception
>> //We could just test for null here, but I'm annoyed
>> //by the thought of doing it on top of the check
>> //done int the STL
>> inline void doFoo(const char* param) {
>>     try {
>> doFoo(param);
>>     } catch (std::logic_error&) {
>>         //nothing, because for some silly reason we think
>> //this is okay behavior
>>     }
>> }
>> void doFoo(const std::string& param);
>> > The best I've come up with so far is some nasty boost::preprocessor
> macro to write the parellel implementation for you. Does anybody have a
> better idea?
>> If null really *is* a valid value, then really the interface should be:
>> void doFoo(const std::string* param);
>> That will of course mean that all the callers will have to be changed,
>> but it'd be the right thing to do.
>> --
>> Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>
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