Peter Oliphant on Wed, 5 May 2004 19:01:32 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [ALACPP] const char* NULL to std::string api

Hi Gavin!
Long time no talk to! Smiley emoticon
Anyway, I will throw out my weird solution (which might not work), and then you can do the same...hehe
How about:
void doFoo(const void *param)
   if isStringRef( param )   // this may not be possible, killing solution
      // treat as param const string&
   if isCharPtr( param ) // this may not be possible, killing solution
      // treat as const char*
  // error
My two cents... Smiley emoticon
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: [ALACPP] const char* NULL to std::string api

So an interesting puzzle came up at work today.

Say you have an API like so:

void doFoo(const char* param)
if (NULL != param) {
// do something

Great. Now say you want to be modern and write the api like so:

void doFoo(const std::string& param)

Now imagine that somebody calls you with a NULL const char* param. std::string tries to implicitly convert that NULL pointer to a std::string,
and, if you are lucky and your compiler isn't a leftover from the tech boom like it might be at certain entertainment companies, the string constructor
throws a logic_error.

There is no way to guard against this except by including a const char* implementation of your interface which does the appropriate checks before forwarding to the std::string

The best I've come up with so far is some nasty boost::preprocessor macro to write the parellel implementation for you. Does anybody have a better idea?
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