Chris Smith on Fri, 30 Apr 2004 01:35:55 -0500 (CDT)

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[ALACPP] gcc 3.4 is out

Title: gcc 3.4 is out

I somehow missed this.

Features of interest:
    -precompiled headers, including what looks like a prebuilt PCH for stdc++
    -#import and #pragma once work
    -much more C++98 compliance
    -totally new C++ parser
    -iostreams now actually optimized (I'll benchmark this a bit later)
    -iostreams now have Large File Support!!!
    -filebuf can now handle UTF-8 (still need to figure out how)
    -some string optimizations
    -STL sets and maps optimized
    -debug modes for STL containers and iterators (I'm guessing like STLport)
    -unit at a time compilation allowing inter-procedural optimizations
    -way more efficient profiling
    -optimizer takes advantage of profiling info for things like loop unrolling
    -many C math library functions now built-ins

For Java freaks, they have a few cool things, including basic java.nio support and the ability to compile and run Eclipse 2.x w/o changes.

Anyway. I thought folks would find all this very cool/interesting.


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