Ray Tayek on 13 Nov 2003 18:01:52 -0000

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[ALACPP] anyone familiar with borland's c++ - IdBaseComponent.hpp?

hi, i am looking at a bunch of projects (that I inherited) that use IdFTP. i have no experience with borland's products or Delphi and am using c++ builder 5. gettng some missing include files like:

#include "IdBaseComponent.hpp"
#include "IdComponent.hpp"
#include "IdFTP.hpp"

and the compiler complains about TIdFTP not being defined (see sample connect.h file below).

Lots of other tform stuff works fine.

Can you tell me what these things are and where to get or install them?

Any pointers will be appreciated.



#ifndef ConnectH
#define ConnectH
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
#include <ScktComp.hpp>
#include "IdBaseComponent.hpp"
#include "IdComponent.hpp"
#include "IdFTP.hpp"
#include "IdTCPClient.hpp"
#include "IdTCPConnection.hpp"
class TfrmConnect : public TForm
__published:    // IDE-managed Components
    TBevel *Bevel1;
    TLabel *Label1;
    TButton *Button1;
    TClientSocket *Client;
    TIdFTP *Ftp;
    void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall ClientError(TObject *Sender, TCustomWinSocket *Socket,
          TErrorEvent ErrorEvent, int &ErrorCode);
    void __fastcall ClientConnect(TObject *Sender,
          TCustomWinSocket *Socket);
    void __fastcall ClientRead(TObject *Sender, TCustomWinSocket *Socket);
    void __fastcall ClientDisconnect(TObject *Sender,
          TCustomWinSocket *Socket);
private:    // User declarations
public:        // User declarations
    __fastcall TfrmConnect(TComponent* Owner);
    bool PlayForFun;

float AmountInUserAcc; // amount in user account will get from server
    int Attempt,    // Current attempt number
MaxAttempt; // maximum time it should attempt to get connected to server

    AnsiString ServerIP;    // IP address of the server
    int ServerPort;         // port of the server
AnsiString UserName, // user name by which the user will be able to log
                            // in to the Game server
Password; // password by which user will log the Game server

    void __fastcall CheckTurn(void);
    void GetAnotherIP(void);
    int IPFileNo;
extern PACKAGE TfrmConnect *frmConnect;

ray tayek http://tayek.com/ actively seeking mentoring or telecommuting work
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