Jon Stewart on 1 Oct 2003 04:30:45 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Why won't g++ tell me I'm dumb?

> void strrevtest() {
>    char* t;
>    t = ""; strrev(t);BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( std::strcmp(t,""), 0);
>    t = "a"; strrev(t);BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( std::strcmp(t,"a"), 0);
>    t = "ab"; strrev(t);BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( std::strcmp(t,"ba"), 0);
>    t = "asdf"; strrev(t);BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( std::strcmp(t,"fdsa"), 0);
>    t = "asdfg"; strrev(t);BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( std::strcmp(t,"gfdsa"), 0);
> }
> test_suite*
> init_unit_test_suite ( int argc, char** argv) {
>    test_suite* test = BOOST_TEST_SUITE( "strrev test");
>    test->add( BOOST_TEST_CASE( &strrevtest ));
>    return test;
> }
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This produces a memory access violation when it does the first swap.  
> The reason is that I'm dumb and I was trying to modify a (const) string 
> literal.  Now, I can fix my test case by sticking in some strdup's, but 
> there was also a consensus that the C++ compiler ought to complain.  
> However, it really seems to just silently discard the const-ness, 
> despite the suggestions of the g++ man page.
> Chris and I also tried with the Intel compiler, but that didn't 
> complain either.
> So, is there some flag we're missing that would spit out a warning 
> about this const issue?

This is all supposition... I don't have my copy of Stroustrup at home...

Now that I look at this some more, it's simply another C gotcha'. To 
maintain backwarks compatibility with C, C++ would certainly need to allow 
you to assign a string literal to a char*. If you'd assigned the string 
literals to const char*'s, the compiler would bitch when you assigned a 
const type to a non-const type in the function call. But, I think C++ 
would have to allow this:

char *string = "I'm in write-only memory! Hahahaha!"; // ah, chardonnay

Were you using any optimization levels? One would think that could be 
allowed to edit string literals, but I'm pretty rusty on my C. Josh?

Jon Stewart                                 Advanced Los Angeles C++
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