Philip Markgraf on 23 Sep 2003 20:33:33 -0000 |
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Re: [ALACPP] New book, EVENING MEETING, code |
And great choice on Josuttis. Not easy reading, but a very useful text. I've already used my copy today. (Team discovered there was some usage of the deprecated strstream class hidden in older code. We made a quick read of the stringstream section and were on our way.
All the best, Phil On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 01:21 PM, Jon Stewart wrote:
Oyez, oyez!! 1. We will begin reading Nicolai Josuttis' _The C++ Standard Library_: I heartily encourage everyone to buy this book and read along with us. There are different levels of knowledgeability about the STL in thisgroup, but I'm not sure that anyone qualifies as an expert. Let's get to that stage. The Standard Library has survived and it's one of the reasonswhy C++ remains relevant. 2. Christopher Smith will be discussing the BerkeleyDB library at anEVENING MEETING tentatively scheduled for October 23. Details will follow.Did I mention it will be an EVENING MEETING? 3. We're going to start writing some code together. There was enoughinterest in writing utilities for Boost::Test that it would be a shame not to do so. I'm going to look into source hosting options and the like, butthis should be a lot of fun.
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