Christopher Smith on 22 Sep 2003 20:08:58 -0000

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[ALACPP] New business

So, as Exceptional C++ comes to an end, we need to figure out where to
go from here. My original thought had been to go with More Exceptional
C++, as it was a logical extension of the first book, and has the same
kind of easily engage-able writing style. However, Exceptional C++
appears not to have done much to broaden the appeal of our reading
group, so I'm wondering about other directions.

I took home the Vandevoorde-Josuttis book on C++ Templates this weekend,
and I have to admit it looks in to templates much more thoroughly than
Modern C++ Design. It seems like a potentially interesting candidate,
particularly since most C++ programmers (myself included) tend to be
weakest at writing template libraries.

Corey snagged our copy of the STL book, but I think that might another
area of interest, particularly since a few threads on the list have
demonstrated that a number of us still have things to learn about the
STL (again, myself included). ;-)

Along those lines, I have heard really good things about the IOStreams &
Locales book. It's another area of C++ programming that tends be
relatively unexplored despite the fact that it's highly relevant. I've
talked to some C++ gurus who've done some pretty hardcore stuff with
iostreams, so it seems like an interesting area to me.

Other crazy ideas: We could branch out a bit and look at C#. Not really
in line with my interests but I'm sure since it's the new and trendy
thing people would be excited about it. We'd also talked briefly at the
last meeting about actually *writing* some code together. In particular
I was thinking of a unit testing utility framework which would
automatically generate unit tests for extreme cases.

Presentation ideas: So, I've been beating up on BerkeleyDB for a while
now. It's a nice, BSD-licensed, portable, embedded db library. It's API
is essentially an extension of the standard Unix db interface. I'd like
to think I have enough of an understanding on it to present it's core
functionality to a group. If folks are interested, I'd be willing to do
an evening presentation on the library.

Talk amongst yourselves. ;-)

Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>
alacpp mailing list