Christopher Smith on 31 Jul 2003 21:48:49 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Can you answer this question?

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 13:53, Ramsin Savra wrote:
> Hi Group,
>      Why do you setup your meetings at noon; in the middle of week?!!!!
>  is that because of this group is just for some students ? I'm asking you
> cause there are other software developers who are interested in it but they
> can't attend it because of their job.

Some quick, snotty, answers:

1) Check the archives to get a sense of the history.
2) We had an evening meeting a week ago today. Only one person showed
who wasn't one of the regulars to the lunch meetings, and that was a
friend of mine from across town. I introduced to the group for the first
time a couple of days before the meeting. Apparently the interest was
not nearly as high as one might have expected.
3) I don't know of any students on the list, although one member is
about to become a student again.
4) Many of us aren't students, but rather software developers with jobs
and families, so spending a lunch break with a group of people is easier
than taking up a precious evening.
5) We had a discussion about meeting times and places recently, and the
intent is to have the weekly lunch meetings for the study group
activities, but to have evening meetings on an ad-hoc basis whenever
someone has something to present to the group.

Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>
alacpp mailing list