Christopher Smith on 29 Jul 2003 02:15:31 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Thoughts on last night's code sample

On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 19:03, Jon Stewart wrote:
> Yes. Those who came on Thursday night heard me extoll the virtues of 
> "decoupled notification" for testing purposes. :-) I think it's almost 
> important enough to warrant a paper or something, but I could be wrong. 

<naustalgic gaze>
That definitely one thing I miss from my Smalltalk days. In a message
driven architecture, everything is effectively an event. Mock objects
really become unecessary/simple (depending on how you look at it). Unit
tests become simple.... it's all so good.
</naustalgic gaze>

Oh yeah, this is a C++ group. ;-)

Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>
alacpp mailing list