wcj on 7 Jul 2003 21:38:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Restaurant Choice

Thursdays is good.
Cheap is ok.
Not a big fan of curry.

I'm driving in from Burbank so parking would be nice.

> So, we're going to choose a regular time and location for weekly meetings. 
> I'm going to nominate that we meet on Thursdays at noon -- I expect that 
> this is about right for most people, but if not, speak up!
> That said, it's time to make your gastronomical preferences known. Where 
> do folks want to meet, forever and all-time?
> Some considerations:
>  - Cheaper is better
>  - Quieter is better
>  - Bigger tables are better
>  - Close parking is better
>  - Good food counts, too :-)
> So, send email either to me or to the list, naming your preferred casual 
> lunch establishment. Simple majority wins. The polls close when I go home 
> tonight, which I suspect to be around 7, maybe a little later.
> Also, The Cheesecake Factory is not an acceptable answer.
> That is all.
> Jon
> -- 
> Jon Stewart
> stew1@xxxxxxxxxxx
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William Johnson

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