Jon Stewart on 3 Jul 2003 23:47:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] new books

> > _The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference_ by Nicolai Josuttis
> > 
> > 	The definitive text for learning and using the STL.
> All I really want to understand better about the STL would be
> allocators, and thankfully it's never been enough of an issue for me to
> tackle in depth.

I'm pretty comfortable with the STL, too, but others might find this very 
useful. And I can fill in the holes.

Josuttis has a really simple allocator implementation on his website. It 
was pretty easy to understand and extend it.

> > _C++ Templates: The Complete Guide_ by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai 
> > Josuttis
> > 
> > 	How templates work, in detail.
> My thinking is that Modern C++ Design pretty much requires you grok
> templates pretty well already.

I dunno'. I think Alexandrescu shows what you can do with templates, but 
he's not great at explaining how they do what they do. In particular, 
notice how he never goes into detail about how the compiler will figure 
out which overload to use? I expect this book to be fairly technical.

> > _C++ Network Programming, Vol. 1: Mastering Complexity with ACE and 
> > Patterns_ by Douglas Schmidt and Stephen Huston
> > 
> > 	An introduction to the ACE networking library, going over how to 
> > write a portable, efficient networking layer.
> I really like this idea, as if nothing else I need an excuse to learn
> ACE.

Me, too. ;-)

> > _Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales: Advanced Programmer's Guide and 
> > Reference_ by Angelika Langer and Klaus Kreft
> > 
> > 	All you ever wanted to know about iostreams that other authors 
> > were afraid to answer.
> Okay... maybe I could stand to learn a bit more about locales. ;-)
> Still, I'm finding the ICU more and more appealing, and it of course
> implements it's own framework for this kind of stuff. ;-)

I think this book is quite technical as well. Probably good stuff if 
anyone's interested in extending the streams library. 

> > _The Boost Graph Library_ by Lee, Lumsdaine, and Siek
> > 
> > 	Covers the Boost Graph Library, giving insight into the Boost 
> > design philosophy, not to mention a refresher course in graph theory.
> Got this book already, but stopped reading it because my problems
> quickly moved out of the realm of graph theory. I'd be supportive of
> going back to it and regroking the whole thing. My one caveat is that a
> lot of the book is graph theory (or more importantly solving graph
> theory problems with the library), which may not be of interest to
> everyone.

I own this book as well, but lack the internal fortitude to re-understand
Floyd-Warshall on my own.

I wouldn't be averse to going through other, easier C++ books, if folks 
are interested and if we can do it at a quick pace. I'm thinking of 
_Effective C++_, _The C++ Programming Language_, _Essential C++_, etc.

Jon Stewart
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