Jon Stewart on 2 Jul 2003 21:46:02 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] poll

> I'm officially announcing my frustration with the meeting system on the
> list. And, in keeping with my theme of "you get out of a user group what
> you put into it", I'm asking you all what would increase attendance at
> meetings, and therefore likelihood of stimulating intellectual
> conversation.

The weekly meetings are certainly free-form, and conversation quickly goes
"off-topic". However, most of the meetings have also had conversations
pertinent to the then-present chapter; I've certainly gained insight into
the readings from these conversations -- I also try to contribute by
thinking of a couple of points to bring up myself. Having a weekly reading
at least gives each meeting a specific raison d'etre, something I've found
lacking in most of the XP SoCal meetings I've attended (not that I dislike
XP SoCal).

Nevertheless, given the current setting (lunch, some restaurant), I'm not
sure whether a stricter format could be imposed.

As to the scheduling of meetings, I'd be happy having a regular place and 
time and then never having to wonder where to have a meeting next week 
and on which day; I'm equally happy without such a schedule, however.

> A) Different time of day (default is noon)
> B) Different day (default is Wednesday)
> C) Different location (default is restaurant in Pasadena)
> D) Different book (default is Alexandrescu)
> E) other (please elaborate)


E) Frequency (default is weekly)

Which of these variables, if any, would you like to see changed, Sarah? Is 
there anything else causing you frustration?


To be sure, I'm happy that the group consists of high-powered programmers 
doing interesting things, and that the list signal-to-noise ratio is 
fairly high. I'm also happy that a number of people are getting through 
the book.

Jon Stewart
alacpp mailing list