Raymond Lem on 18 Jun 2003 17:19:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Meeting Location for Tomorrow? (06/17/03 noon)

--- Kevin Scaldeferri <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sarah Dilling wrote:
> >I'll throw in a request, too. Cheap.
> >
> >As far as meeting space + cheap +
> (mexican|chinese|japanese), you've
> >got:
> >
> >Mexican: El Portal
> >Chinese: Go China (although a bit noisy, & being
> used for XP lunch
> >today, also)
> >Japanese: Sushi of Naples
> >
> >Although, only Go China is as cheap as Mezbaan. The
> others are in the
> >Lucky Baldwin price range.
> >  
> >
Unless anyone else disagrees, let's make it El Portal.

El Portal Restaurant
695 E Green St
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 795-8553 

North side of Green (One way east-bound)
Three blocks east of Los Robles between El Molino and
Oak Knoll.

When we meet there, suggest we choose next week's
meeting location.

Raymond Lem
Cell:  (626)712-0883

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