Christopher Smith on 5 Jun 2003 22:14:01 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] Notes -- Chapter 3

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 14:46, Kevin Scaldeferri wrote:
> Continuing through Alexandrescu (chapter 3 now), the thought that keeps
> coming to me is, why not just write in a functional language? The
> techniques of template meta-programming draw so heavily from functional
> techniques; so much that to someone familiar with them, the term
> "meta-programming" just sounds like hype. If you were using a more
> powerful programming language, there wouldn't be anything "meta" about
> it. I mean, he talks about typelists as if they were the second coming,
> but there's nothing remarkable about them. Virtually every language
> other than C can do it without the need for all these gymnastics.

So, interestingly enough, Glasgow people apparently now have felt the
need to add a templating mechanism to the Haskell language:

I think the magic of type lists is more from how they interact with
other feature of the compile in order to do things *at compile time*.
While most functional languages have some form of meta
programming/lazy-evaluation that gives the compiler this kind of power,
you tend not to have it outside the functional world. To list off a few
languages where you'd have to do all this magic at runtime:

Java (well, until the next JDK, and even then a lot of the magic is done
at runtime)
VisualBasic (can you finally do this kind of stuff with VB.NET?)

I'm not even sure how you'd do this in Pascal, but it's been a while
since I've done Pascal.

> Interesting question. We know that OCaml is essentially as fast as C for
> a wide variety of simple benchmarks. I wonder if there are any
> comparisons for more real life applications.

I will try to bone up on OCaml. I've been wanting to anyway.

Christopher Smith <x@xxxxxxxx>
alacpp mailing list