Sarah Dilling on 28 May 2003 00:36:02 -0000

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Re: [ALACPP] this week's meeting

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 02:46:23PM -0700, Jon Stewart wrote:
> Is anyone not okay with Lucky Baldwin's for tomorrow?

I have attendance issues. I've got this class over at PCC from 1-4:45 MTWT
(but not Friday) for the next 6 weeks. Going cheap, with the
unemployment theme, I didn't spring for a parking pass. So, basically, I
can only attend if I leave by 12:30 (and manage to catch the shuttle),
or if someone volunteers to drive me (and we'll have to leave the lunch
a little bit early).

It being community college, there's 5% of the grade tied up in
attendance/punctuality -- and it's only the second class tomorrow, so
I'd hate to be rude right off the bat.

But, yeah, there's my issues laid out for the whole list to see. If
anyone can offer me a ride, or wants to come early, I'll probably head
over there around 11:30.

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