M P Darke on Wed, 26 Aug 2009 08:47:07 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Deputy Assessor] Voting Results for Proposals 1985- 1987

Um... really? o_o

--- On Wed, 26/8/09, 0x44 <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: 0x44 <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Deputy Assessor] Voting Results for Proposals 1985- 1987
To: "discussion list for B Nomic" <spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009, 4:39 PM

You didn't vote to the public forum.

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:37:57 +0000 (GMT), M P Darke
<darkemalcolm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think you will find your vote count is off... I voted, I believe?
> --- On Tue, 25/8/09, Charles Walker <charles.w.walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> From: Charles Walker <charles.w.walker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [s-b] [Deputy Assessor] Voting Results for Proposals 1985- 1987
> To: "spoon-business" <spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tuesday, 25 August, 2009, 10:54 AM
> I deputize for the Assessor to do the following:
> Voting results for Proposals 1985-1987:
> [This notice resolves the Decisions of whether to adopt the following
> proposals.  For each decision, the options available to B are ADOPTED
> (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).]
> Start of Voting Period: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:46 (GMT -04:00)
> End of Voting Period:   Mon, 17 Aug 2009 14:46 (GMT -04:00)
> *1985 O 1 1.0 0x44       B Needs Women^WGameplay
> *1986 O 1 1.0 C-walker   Decontestation
> x1987 D 2 2.0 JamesB     NTime
> ==============
> For the Ordinary decisions resolved in this message Quorum is 5 unless
> otherwise specified.
> For the Democratic decisions resolved in this message Quorum is 5
> unless otherwise specified.
> 1985
> ----
> FOR    ( 9): JamesB, Tiger(x3), 0x44, C-walker(x2),
> AGAINST( 0):
> PRESENT( 1): Wooble
> VOTE INDEX : Unanimous
> 1986
> ----
> FOR    ( 8): JamesB, Tiger(x3), 0x44, C-walker(x2), Wooble
> AGAINST( 0):
> PRESENT( 0):
> VOTE INDEX : Unanimous
> 1987
> ----
> FOR    ( 3): JamesB, Tiger, 0x44,
> AGAINST( 2): Wooble, C-walker
> PRESENT( 0):
> VOTE INDEX : 1.5
> =========================
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1985 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by 0x44
> B Needs Women^WGameplay
> Create a rule entitled "The Unicyclist" consisting of the following:
> {
>      The Unicyclist is an office; its holder is responsible for
>      maintaining the state of The Pentacycle.
>      The Unicyclist's Weekly report includes the current state of the
> Playing Board, the list of Actions taken by each Player on the Playing
> Board, and the results of all Actions on the Playing Board.
> }
> Create a rule entitled "The Pentacycle" consisting of the following:
> {
> The Pentacycle:
> The Object of the game is to occupy each territory on the game board,
> eliminating all other players, and thereby conquering the Unicycle.
> The Playing Board:
> The playing board is a map consisting of six parts: the Wheel, the Axle,
> the Pedals, the Fork, the Throat, and the Seat. Each of these parts is
> subdivided into several territories. There are 42 territories in all;
> Part consists of 4-12 territories. Each Part may have a unique power
> may be used only when the entire Part is controlled by a single Party.
> Each
> Power may be used only once per nday.
> The Wheel consists of twelve territories and has links to the Axle along
> the territories on the inner-spokes. The Wheel's special Power is to
> Brake,
> halting all movement of the Unicycle, Axle, and Pedals.
> The Axle consists of four territories and has links to the Wheel, Pedals,
> and Fork.
> The Pedals consist of eight territories and have links to the Axle and
> Spoke. The Pedal's special Power is Torque, which causes both the Axle
> Wheel to rotate. It takes a full nday for the Wheel to complete an entire
> rotation. Any units in the outside territories of the Wheel which come
> into
> contact with the ground are destroyed.
> The Fork consists of five territories and has links to the Axle, Pedals,
> and Throat.
> The Throat consists of six territories and has links to the Fork and the
> Seat. The Fork's special Power is Rappel, which permits up to 1/3 of the
> armies in the Throat to move to a single territory below the Fork without
> regard for links between the Parts.
> The Seat consists of seven territories and has links to the Throat.
> In addition to the use of any Power afforded by Controlling an Entire
> Part, each Part Controlled increases the number of Gnomes a Party may
> place. Control of the Wheel adds an additional seven Gnomes. Control of
> the
> Axle or the Fork each add an additional two Gnomes. Control of the Pedals
> or the Seat affords an increase of five Gnomes. And Control over the
> Throat
> adds an additional three Gnomes.
> Initialization:
> At the beginning of the game, each territory is randomly assigned to each
> Party. For each territory a Party holds, a Gnome is created in eir
> possession and placed onto the Board in said territory. In addition,
> fifteen additional Gnomes are created in the possession of each Party.
> Each
> Party must place each of these Gnomes onto the Game Board in a territory
> of
> eir choosing, selected from the territories e holds.
> Playing the Game:
> Each Party takes eir turn simultaneously, with actions submitted to the
> Unicyclist.
> At the beginning of each turn, each Party has one-third of eir
> territories rounded down number of Gnomes created in eir possession. In
> addition, for each Entire Part a Party Holds, an additional number of
> Gnomes are created in eir possession corresponding to the numbers lain
> above. Each Party then places each Gnome in a territory of eir choosing,
> chosen from the territories e holds.
> A Party may attack any opponent's territory adjacent to eir own, so long
> as it has at least two Gnomes on it. A Party announces what territory e
> attacking, from what territory the attack is originating, and the number
> of
> Gnomes in the attack. If the defending territory has more Gnomes than the
> Attacker, the Defender wins, otherwise the Attacker wins.
> An Attack may be made with Support. A Party may announce a Support Order
> by announcing what territory e is supporting, into which territory e is
> supporting, and the number of Gnomes sent as Support.
> Support may be cut. If a territory from which Support would originate is
> attacked, all Support Orders from that territory are cancelled as the
> Gnomes defend their homes.
> }
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 1986 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
> Decontestation
> Repeal the following Rules:
> Rule  107 (Points)
> Rule  108 (Contests)
> Rule  109 (Awarding and Revoking Points)
> Rule  110 (Rewarding Contestmasters)
> Rule  111 (Win by High Score)
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{

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