James Baxter on Wed, 4 Mar 2009 14:09:39 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: GameBoard

Interesting point but then we can always use loose interpretation and assume you must have a target.
> Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 20:30:34 +0000
> From: bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [s-b] [s-d] Proposal: GameBoard
> I object to the creation of the Buckling Sword Blueprint (there's a bug in
> it).
> I revise my Proposal GameBoard to read:
> {
> Create a New Rule with the title "The Game Board" consisting of the
> following
> {
> Squares are a type of Game Object which may contain a single Player and
> at most one Device, excluding any Devices owned by a Player. Squares have
> an Attribute Color, which is defined below. Squares have an Attribute
> Altitude, which is defined below. 
> There is an Attribute Color with a Scope of all Squares, Devices, and
> Agreements, a Range of all hexadecimal colors and undefined, and a default
> value of undefined.
> There is an Attribute Altitude with a Scope of all Squares, a Range of
> the integers -5 through 5 inclusive and a default value of 0. Any Square
> with an altitude greater-than 3 or less-than negative 3 is said to be
> impassible, and cannot be entered by a Player without some Device or
> Attribute that permits it. Any Square with an altitude equal to five or
> negative five is completely impassible and may not be entered by a Player.
> Any Player Resident in a Square with an altitude lower than zero is said to
> be Swimming, and eir movement is halved, rounding down. Any Player Resident
> in a Square with an altitude greater than zero is said to be Climbing, and
> eir movement is halved, rounding down. A Player who runs out of movement
> for the nday in a Square with an Altitude lower than zero is Drowning and
> eir HP attribute is decreased by one for each nday they remain in a Square
> with a negative Altitude.
> The Game Board is a Game Object that is a two-dimensional array of
> Squares, 20 Squares on a side. As a game action, each Living Player may
> Travel along the Game Board, by specifying which adjacent Square they are
> entering. Upon entering the new Square, e ceases to be Resident in the
> previous Square and becomes Resident of the new Square. Each Living Player
> may move up to five times per nday, and cannot move while the Clock is Off.
> }
> Create the following non-unique Blueprint entitled "A Buckling Sword"
> {
> Device: A Rusty Scimitar
> Power: Slash
> Effect: Reduces a Target Player's Hit Points are reduced by 2
> Conditions: Owner is living, target player is living. Target is in an
> adjacent square. Owner has not used this Rusty Scimitar to Slash or Parry
> during the current or previous nday.
> Trigger: Game Action by owner. 
> Power: Parry
> Effect: Until device owner uses this Rusty Scimitar to slash, m2 is
> subtracted and 2 HP are added to device owner whenever he is stabbed.
> Conditions: Device owner has not used this Rusty Scimitar to Slash
> during the current or previous nday.
> Trigger: Game Action by owner. 
> Cost: m25
> }
> Create the following non-unique Blueprint entitled "Everyone's Fifteen
> Minutes"
> {
> Device: A Bucket of Paint
> Power: Paint
> Effect: Colors the Resident Square and any devices within it the
> specified Color.
> Trigger: Game Action by owner specifying the Color as a hexidecimal
> RGB color.
> Cost: m25
> }
> Create the following non-unique Blueprint entitled "A Wall"
> {
> Device: Another Brick Wall
> Power: Build
> Effect: Places an impassible barrier in one of the Cardinal Squares
> adjacent to the Resident Square of the Owner. Any player who attempts to
> move into a Square containing a wall is rebuffed, unless they have a
> Rickety Ladder and use the Climb Power.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner specifying the Target Square.
> Cost: m50
> }
> Create the following non-unique Blueprint entitled "A Ladder"
> {
> Device: A Rickety Ladder
> Power: Climb
> Effect: The Owner may move into and out of a Square containing a
> Wall.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner specifying the Target Wall.
> Cost: m50
> }
> Create the following unique Blueprint entitled "A Mountain"
> {
> Device: Don't Matterhorn
> Power: Comes to Mohammed
> Effect: Places an impassible barrier on the Resident Square of the
> Owner, dislodges the Owner and moves em three Squares in the Cardinal
> Direction specified. The Squares surrounding the Resident Square become
> permanently impassible. The Squares surrounding those Squares become
> impassible, but may be climbed as though they contained Another Brick Wall.
> Don't Matterhorn is destroyed after this Power is Activated.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner.
> Cost: m250
> }
> Create the following unique Blueprint entitled "A Castle"
> {
> Device: CAMELOT!
> Power: A Silly Place
> Effect: The Squares Surrounding the Owner's Resident Square become
> impassible as though they contained Don't Matterhorn. The Squares become
> Colored with the Color of the Owner's Resident Square, and change to match
> that Square whenever that Square is Colored. One Square becomes an Exit
> which may be Opened or Closed by Game Action. CAMELOT! is destroyed after
> this Power is activated.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner specifying which Cardinal Direction
> the Exit faces.
> Cost: m500
> }
> Create the following unique Blueprint entitled "A Moat"
> {
> Device: Water
> Power: Hold Back the North Sea Little Hans.
> Effect: All Squares two Squares away from the Owner's Resident Square
> become Flooded and are impassible except over a Bridge. The Squares become
> Colored Blue. Water is destroyed after this Power is Activated.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner
> Cost: m500
> }
> Create the following non-unique Blueprint entitled "A Drawbridge"
> {
> Device: Army Corps of Engineers.
> Power: Get me over there.
> Effect: Creates a permanent passage over a single Square made
> impassible by Water. The Army Corps of Engineers is destroyed after this
> Power is Activated.
> Trigger: Game Action by the Owner.
> Cost: m150
> }
> Each Player is Squared upon the Game Board in a Randomly Determined
> Square. If a Player would be Squared where another Player is already
> Resident, that Player is Squared into another Randomly Determined Square
> until e is Squared. 
> }
> } 
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