comex on Tue, 2 Dec 2008 19:46:43 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] Wiki updated

I've updated the Rules and Players pages to partially account for the
RP passing.  One thing of note-- I don't see any reason that all the
old macks were destroyed... the comment mentions that they would be,
but there is no reason not to assume that mackerel weren't kept along
with everything else, with everyone getting a 50 mack bonus.  I
think-- of course I might be missing something.  I also haven't
bothered to replace the magic constants, someone do that.

The RP that passed is at

Rules at

Welcome to Era 5 of B Nomic!  Nearly identical to Era 4, but More
Broken.  For example, I don't think Essential-ness actually does
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