Jay Campbell on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:18:26 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Refresh Proposal: Fix Era 4

0x44 wrote:
> Jay Campbell wrote:
>> When a Party becomes obligated by a Contract to perform an unambiguous 
>> action, any Player may send a message to the Public Forum causing that 
>> Party to attempt to perform that action.
> I think it would be better if only other Parties to a Contract were able 
> to force a player to take an action obligated by a Contract.

I was only trying to slow down the effects of contract automation. But 
without some sort of artificial compulsion, obligations by contract 
grind to a halt waiting on an oracularity. (At least oracularities are 
better than when contract infractions were only punishable by fines.)

I create a contract: "Noone else may join. If J sneezes, he is obligated 
to pay everyone m100." As it stands, that contract requires an 
oracularity to move the macks if I don't cooperate. It's a 
straightforward game action, so anyone should be able to trigger it.

That was the thought, anyway.


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