Craig Daniel on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:25:15 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] panic

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Jamie Dallaire
<bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Craig Daniel <teucer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Invalidate the game action taken by teucer which was presented as
>> ciphertext within a transaction containing an assertion about the
>> Contract of Epimenides. /* We're banning it for the future, but we
>> might as well undo that one. */
> Good idea. So what was the game action?

Eh, I might as well reveal the answers, since my proposal (and
hopefully others) will invalidate these two things.

1. lhret rhlhr has no plaintext; it's a string of characters created
by pounding on my keyboard.

2. The game action was written in Portuguese and enciphered in a
Vigenere cipher with the uncreative key "portuguesevigenere". It
announced that teucer's mack heist was joining the Contract of
Epimenides, then as an officer of said corporation declaring its
intent to add (barring objections) some text to the end of the
Contract of Epimenides requiring (in Portuguese) that the OCB join OCB
Remote. (In hindsight it would have been far simpler to make the OCB
join OCB Remote directly.) Once it had done so I would have made the
OCB join teucer's mack heist, leaving it compelled to give me all of
its mackerel every time it got some, such as by increasing the

 - teucer
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