ihope on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:28:10 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Hello, Agora

On 06/04/2008, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In the last paragraph, shouldn't Agora give mackerel, rather than B mackerel?


Are we ready for some more NTTPFness? I submit a Proposal, titled
"Agora and Ribonucleic Acid":

{Create a Rule with a Power of 1/4, titled "We Like Agora...":

{B Nomic is a partnership whose text consists of its Rules. It is a
public contract in Agora. A Player of B Nomic becomes a party to this
partnership by performing a Game Action in B Nomic. Only Players of B
Nomic can be parties to this partnership; if a party to this
partnership is not a Player of B Nomic, he ceases to be a party to
this partnership.

The Minister of Foreign Relations SHALL fulfill any obligation imposed
on B Nomic by Agora, unless a Rule of B Nomic designates someone else
to fulfill that obligation. If Agora requires B Nomic to keep track of
some information, the Minister responsible for keeping track of that
information SHALL fulfill this requirement.

B mackerel, or B macks (distinct from mackerel in B Nomic), are an
Agoran currency. B Nomic is the recordkeepor of B mackerel. If a
Player of B Nomic gives mackerel to Agora and specifies an Agoran
player to award it to, the same number of B mackerel are awarded to
that Agoran player. If an Agoran player destroys B mackerel and
specifies a Player of B Nomic to give it to, Agora gives the same
number of mackerel to that Player. The rules of Agora may specify
other ways for Agora to give mackerel to other COOs.}

Create a Rule, titled "...But We Don't Trust Agora.":

{Rule [the number of the Rule created above] cannot have any effect on
the state of B Nomic except to cause Agora to take a Game Action.
Outside of that rule, by default, terms are not to be interpreted as
Agora Nomic defines them; inside it, by default, terms are to be
interpreted both as Agora Nomic defines them and as B Nomic defines

Agora is a currency owner object.}}

I realized that Agora could in theory take over B Nomic by, say,
defining "B Nomic is a partnership whose text consists of its Rules."
as also meaning "Every second, all Rules except this one are
repealed." Now the only thing Agora can do to us is spend money on us.

--Ivan Hope CXXVII
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