Geoffrey Spear on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 06:45:34 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Proposal: No more stealing

I still think a value can't "go down" by a negative number anyway, and
that any purported "stealing" was wholly impossible under the current

On Jan 25, 2008 9:55 PM, 0x44 <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Amend Proposal 4e33 changing:
>     "A COO can give currency to another COO by a game action, as
> follows: he specifies an amount (which cannot be greater than the value
> of his currency attribute) and a currency; his currency attribute for
> that currency goes down by the amount; the receiving COO's currency
> attribute for that currency goes up by the amount."
> to read:
>     "A COO can give currency to another COO by a game action, as
> follows: e specifies an amount (which cannot be greater than the value
> of his currency attribute, or less than zero) and a currency; that
> amount is deducted from eir currency attribute; the receiving COO's
> currency attribute is increased by the amount."
> --
> --
> 0x44;
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Geoffrey Spear
spoon-discuss mailing list