Michael Thomas on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:38:36 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Attempting to become a Player

On 12/13/06, Peter wrote:
> "Michael Thomas" <thomasm.nomic@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > I wish to become a Player of B Nomic.  I wish to be known by the name
> > fnord.  I'm hoping that this is, indeed, a Public Forum, that I can do
> this
> > in, though the Rules don't actually state what are or are not Public
> Fora.
> Welcome to the game, fnord! Your attempt does work, and you are now a
> player. The rules just specify what Public Fora are, and the Tweak
> that created the initial current ruleset defined spoon-business as a
> Public forum and spoon-discuss as a Discussion Forum. However, I can
> see how that really isn't clear to a newcomer. We probably ought to
> fix that...

Thank you... it should be fun, trying to get back into the swing of Nomic
things.  I played in Ackanomic a long while back, and had an abortive try
about a year ago with people who I just didn't jibe with.

As for not being clear, yeah.  I checked the Rules for what to do, and only
saw what they said.  I haven't seen anything about this Tweak of which you
speak, so I went with what made the most sense.

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