Daniel Lepage on Mon, 16 May 2005 20:00:31 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Nweek 89 Results

For those of you interested in keeping track of the extremely large number of nweekly rule-changes, here's what this all means:

== Gamestate Changes ==
 * All Pwned Souls became Lost
 * All players now have 500 SP
* There is now a Soul for BvS, and no Soul for 'Mithrandir', regardless of how you read the rules * Every player who voted for p58 now has two Souls, given at random if they didn't already have 2
 * Raelus has the title "Lord of the Soul Penny Scam"
* New Talisman: Chad (5G). Negates votes, and you can't use more than one per nweek. * New Talimsan: Small White Rabbit (20A). Moves from player to player eating Amplitude.
 * Everyone gets 100 Genechips
 * Many cards are created in the Cards subgame

== Ruleset Changes ==
 * Claiming a Lost Soul now costs SP
 * Having more than three times your own value in SP now burns you
 * Players may now cooperate to forge Talismans
* Dueling is now done via Rock-Paper-Scissors(-Lizard-Spock), using Joel's escrow script * Grid subgame created, with BvS as its minister. It's like Rumble, but on a Grid.
 * Most things worth Genechips are now worth many more Genechips.
 * Now only 4 props per nweek.
 * Collectable Card subgame created, with Raelus as its minister.
 * Ministers can now deputize players
 * Comments now work with Story Props properly
* Created the Voting Gremlin, who can be bribed to vote for/against various measures
 * Passed Props are now worth more
 * Grammar Nazi powers made wider, penalties made harsher
* "Legislator of the Nweek" - author of a random passed prop gets an extra vote next nweek
 * Instituted a Poll Tax of 1/3 of each player's Amplitude
 * Ministry of Gambling now can't change SORCs with reckless abandon
 * Filibusters work now
 * Sonnet Form replaced by Shakespearean Sonnet Form

== Interesting Points ==
* p58 and p59 together burn a lot of people: everyone gets 500SP, which is more than three times anyone's soul's value. * The Grammar Nazi can now take anyone who makes a single prop typo and remove their ability to make props entirely, by posting the list of errors to the forum repeatedly.


"AALST (n.) One who changes his name to be further to the front"
  -- Douglas Adams, _The Meaning of Liff_

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