Daniel Lepage on Tue, 10 May 2005 22:36:48 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] BvS amends p58

On May 10, 2005, at 11.00 PM, Alex Truelsen wrote:

On 5/10/05, Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On May 10, 2005, at 6.57 PM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

BvS has amended p58.

Proposal 58/1: Egads! Let's effect proposals here, averting Nomic
tragedies (ELEPHANT)
A Standard Proposal by BvS
Last modified on nweek 88, nday 1

If the Soul of Mithrandir exists, destroy it. [[Just to clear up that
little loose end...]]

Now I was arguing that the Soul of Mithrandir does exist, it's just
that you and e have the same soul. So under my interpretation, you're
propping your own Soul into Oblivion. This could have negative side

Hmm. Do proposals take precedence over rules? Because Rule 7-1 says "A
player may only lose possession of eir Soul or gain possession of another Soul in a manner stated by the rules," which (it would seem to me) means that if destroying Mithrandir's Soul does destroy BvS's as well, the action
would be cancelled. That is, assuming that proposals defer to rules.

The rules assert that the effects of a Passed Proposal happen, so technically a proposal doesn't do anything itself. Instead, a rule reads the proposal and does what it says, so that the effects of the prop all happen "according to the rules".

Or I could make it "destroy the Soul of Mithrandir and the Soul of Baron von
Skippy. Give Baron von Skippy a Soul." That would be worth it just for
putting that sentence into a proposal...

It's about time :P


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