Daniel Lepage on Thu, 5 May 2005 18:29:02 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger amends p33

On May 5, 2005, at 6.30 PM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

EugeneMeidinger has amended p33.

Proposal 33/3: Cityscape is scrapped...kinda.
A Standard Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
Last modified on nweek 86, nday 10


I see "Cisk", not "Sick".

== Proofreading ==
At any time (regardless of the Clock State), any player may submit an Edit, which consists of any number of changes to an open proposal. Any player may Second or Object To any Edit. After 2 real-world days have passed since a Edit was submitted, if it has been seconded by at least two players other than its author and no player has Objected to it and the proposal is still open and it hasn't been revised during those two days, then the changes to the proposal listed in it are made. Regardless of whether or not it took effect, the Edit is then destroyed.

This won't do all that much. Proposals are only Open on ndays 8, 9, and 10, so this could only be invoked on those ndays; any time later than 8 and the Proposal will be Historical. So basically, this can only be used on nday 8.

If you widened it to apply to Pending props, too, it would be more helpful. But you only have about 34 minutes left to revise things before we start voting.

BTW, for anyone who's confused, the life cycle of a prop is "Pending, Open, Historical". Pending means you can edit it, Open means you can vote on it, Historical means it's over.


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