Daniel Lepage on Tue, 26 Apr 2005 20:53:16 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Please vote for.

On Apr 26, 2005, at 3.38 PM, eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I'm planning to make a proposal as soon as we get to nday 1 for fixing a few of the problems in my proposals.

I'll get rid of autoumatically. must have blanked out . Or could redifine it to mean that anything thing that is autuomatically is just a really cool idea. That'd be funnier.

Also the condition for Blorgleflat needs rule our use in comments; that would be too easy. Could also make it relate to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the universe with Startibartfast instead.

The only problem I have with that condition is that sooner or later somebody will propose the existence of objects called Blorgleflats, and suddenly we'll all be rolling in Genechips.

I'm fine if my other two proposals don't pass but there needs to be reward system for duties and a way to set up a personal duty . So If I want to waste my amplitude to have someone summarize the events every two nweeks I can.

You can already do it informally, since you have the power to give Amplitude away (I think; I didn't check the rules). As long as you have that, you can simply offer Amplitude to whoever will document the past for you.


History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.

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