Araltaln on Fri, 1 Oct 2004 04:36:23 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Araltaln submits p1910/0

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 22:16:37 -0700, Jake Eakle
<jseakle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This makes me wonder... can a proposal refer to proposal proposed in the
> same nweek?  i.e., could i write a proposal that says, if Respect Revisited:
> Renown passes, edit it to say "whatever it needs to say"?

You could do that, but RR:R (or whatever other proposal) would already
have passed by the time yours had any effect--what you probably want
to do is "if RR:R passed, create/modify/remove these rules [that
presumably were changed by RR:R], otherwise do something else".

A suggested form, if you're thinking of the same change Wonko is:

__Not a Proposal [[or at least not one Araltaln cares to submit]]__

If Proposal 1910 passed, modify the second paragraph of the rule
titled Renown to read:
[[modified text goes here]]


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