Araltaln on Wed, 30 Jun 2004 08:54:33 -0500 (CDT)

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] The Direct Approach.

Bryan Donlan wrote:

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 18:09:32 -0500, Araltaln <smgafkjen@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When I can, I'll change my philosophy to CS Geek, and propose:

__The Direct Approach__

For each player whose activity will go up at the end of this nweek,
perform the following actions:

Good idea, but just a technicality - by 'this nweek' do you refer to
'the nweek in which this was proposed' or 'the nweek in which this
proposal comes into effect'?

If it mattered (which it could, if this proposal ended up shelved, for instance), it would be the nweek in which the proposal came into effect, I believe.

Probably-mentor bd (or anyone else, this is just a vaguely clever way of bringing the mentorship thing up), am I in fact proposing things right now, or will proposals have to wait until the Clock is On again? Rules 3 and 17 seem to disagree on this point.

Also, I too recognize a State of Emergency, on the grounds that it'll
be more interesting than sitting here doing nothing.

That's six of us now, it looks like: Teucer, SkArcher, Zarpint, Wonko, me, and now you.

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