Rob Speer on 22 Jun 2003 21:47:01 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Simplifying the game

Crap. Just when I may be about to get involved in stuff again, we have
the threat of impending admin-less-ness.

Here's my idea of how to save the game:
Deactivate all rules except a select few. Keep the Gamestate as it is;
for example, people may have stuff that becomes undefined, but since it
may be reinstated later, they can keep it, and it can't be messed with
because it's in the Gamestate. Make new rules start out Deactivated, and
only Activate them when someone devises a system to keep track of their

Societies have always been a ... looming presence in the game, for good
or for bad. They take a lot of work. In a rebuilt B Nomic, I can imagine
one of two things happening:

* Societies don't exist, thus saving a lot of effort
* Societies run everything - they are like privatized Admins

I never liked Societies, but the second one actually sounds like it
could work.

Oh, and Dave - thanks for all you've done, and good luck with that
"having a life" thing. :)
Rob Speer

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