Wonko on 1 Oct 2002 22:13:06 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Corporations v2.0

Okay, how's this?

__Corporate B-Nomic__


There exist entities called Corporations. Corporations are a type of
Society. In order to be a Corporation, a society must meet the following

*It must have at least three members
*It must have resource pools of BNS, Points, and Units
*It must have a member who is considered to be in charge of that Society.

If a society is otherwise qualified to be a Corporation, the player in
charge of that society may turn that society into a Corporation by declaring
that e does so in a public forum, unless that society's charter forbids

If a Corporation ever changes in any way such that it no longer meets the
requirements for being a Corporation, it ceases to be a Corporation.

The player in charge of a given Corporation has the title, "Minister of X",
where 'X' has been replaced by the name of that Corporation. The Minister of
a Corporation is responsible for keeping track of the Corporation's Points,
BNS, Units, and members.



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