Wonko on 4 Jul 2002 18:15:06 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Ministries

In response to an earlier question of Dave's regarding the current status of
the Ministry of the Ordinance Survey, I believe you, Dave, are that
Minister. An election happened as soon as the position was created, but
nobody was nominated, so you were the only candidate. You won, because you
recieved 0 votes, which was more than any other candidate.

At the moment, there are two ways you could resign from your ministry -
propose to do it, or fail to recognize a grid action for two ndays, then
call for a vote of Non-Confidence in yourself.

Or you could propose to fix rule 697, Consent of Ministers, so that any
Minister can "take on the post of the Chiltern Hundreds", instead of only
players being able to.


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