ID Scott on 8 May 2002 22:50:42 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Proposal

> >
> >  Any player who holds a title that makes them a Minister may cause
> >themselves to lose that title by announcing in a public forum that
> >they wish to take on the post of the Chiltern Hundreds.
> Um...the wha'?

The Chiltern Hundreds is classed as "an office of profit under the
crown", hence a (british) MP who is given the office cannot remain an
MP (it being a confilict of intrest). 
Being appointed to the Chiltern Hundereds or the Master of the Manor of
Northstead (a couple of fields in Yorkshire) are basically the only
ways that an MP can stop being an MP (except by not standng at a
general election, or by dieing, or by becomeing a Lord) 

Iain, a font of useless information
(also see, for a fact sheet)