Joel Uckelman on 30 Jan 2001 17:08:08 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Bank Actions

Quoth Dan Waldron:
> To satisfy outstanding debts, the bank transfers 45 points to poulenc.
> This satisfies:  Salaries and proposal debt to Poulenc from nweek 10 and
> 11, plus salaries Banker(13), Banker(14); and P377/0, P381/0, P384/0,
> P385/1.  This will leave the bank with 15 points.
> The bank is experienceing a shortage of funds so nobody else will get
> paid until the bank gets some more points, unless they want to force the
> issue with a motion for payment.
> The Tax collector should start collecting the overdue debts that were due
> at the end of nweek 12 sometime soon.
> Joel, I think the bank could use a few hundred more points.  I would
> support any motion that increased the reserve I have to work with here.
> That would mean that I can pay people what they desrve as well.
> Poulenc

Hmmm. Yeah, I agree that the Bank needs more funds as it currently stands. 
As it is, our economy is sort of odd. The Bank is the only "employer", yet 
no one "buys" much from the Bank. In such a situation, the Bank can't help 
but become impoverished---unless it has mint powers, which our Bank does. 
So, to keep afloat, the Bank will take the inflationary step of issuing 
more Points. Our current Rules and the traditional size relation among the 
Awards forces us into a position of continually devaluing our currency. On 
the other hand, we have an absolute goal, in the sense that the condition 
for winning is not relative to the total quantity of Points in circulation, 
which somewhat mitigates inflation. I'm not sure what to make of this---I'm 
no economist---but because of the win condition, there aren't any 
real-world analogues.
