Eric Stucky on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 19:05:57 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Fwd: Initial Rules Set / Meta-Game - An Experiment in Thought Gaming

> Does any of this do anything?  Are we interpreting "I create a rule"
> as "I suggest the creation of a rule"?

Probably not. In any case, you can't stop me from doing it, nor can you stop me from saying it affects the game somehow, so I'm going to continue until I don't want to.

Among the things you can't tell me I can't do is change the ruleset, so I'm going to do that now.

I declare the ruleset to be the following (--- ---)-delimited text, all subsets of which are effective immediately and no sooner:


* Players have the right to create, discuss and agree on rules and rules
* New rules are added to The Rules and have to be followed by whomever is
required to follow them.
* B Nomic is dead from a lack of current interest. May she rest in peace.
This rule may be deleted if a rule is added to the current ruleset.
* A proposal is a rules change suggested by a player. The change occurs
when all other players approve it.
* A player is a person who is aware of the existence of the game who has
not been Exiled from the game. Other than the player generally known
as Wooble, all players are required to follow the rules. The rules
cannot impose a punishment for failing to follow the rules which is,
in the judgment of the player being punished, worse than Exile.
* The player generally known as Wooble is required to follow the rules,
except for the one titled "Mars Needs Creampuffs".
*  The phrase "{{{" is intended to mean "I create a new rule with the following {{{ }}}-delimited text: {{{". A player who creates a rule automatically favors it.
* The phrase "CREAMPUFF" is an acceptable substitute for "{{{". No rule shall make any phrase an acceptable substitute for "}}}," unless that rule does not contain either of the letters 'e' or 'E'.
* All game actions require a message to the spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
mailing list.
* The Redactor is a game-defined object.  The Redactor can alter the text of rules.  Players cannot alter the text of rules.
  Whenever a player submits an order to the Redactor as a Game Action and two other players express support for that order as Game Actions, the Redactor carries out that order.
* Every message containing the string "}}}" and intending to create a rule, submits that rule automatically to the Redactor.

I made a game! Anyone want to play this game? :P

[ -Turiski ]

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