Ed Murphy on Sat, 27 Feb 2010 11:21:47 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposals

Proposal:  Alarm

Create a rule titled "Alarm" with this text:
If the Clock is off and the number of wweeks on the Watch is greater
than zero, then any player may claim any ministry by announcement,
provided that e turns the Clock on in the same message, and that e
could not have done so without claiming that ministry.

Proposal:  Real-time emergencies

Amend Rule 74 (Dependent Actions) by appending this text to
section b):
If the rules define the action as having real-time priority, then
the minimum duration between intent and action is four days instead
of four ndays.

Amend Rule 0 (Emergencies) by replacing this text:
A PEP CAN, with the Consent of B, initiate an Emergency.
with this text:
A PEP CAN, with the Consent of B, initiate an Emergency.  This
action has real-time priority.
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