Roger Hicks on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 11:19:09 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [Tailor] Ribbon Report

Date of this report: Mon, 27 Jul 2009
Date of last report: Thu, 23 Jul 2009


Player                   ROGCBKMVY  Ribbon count (9 to win)
0x44                         B                   1
ais523                       B                   1
BobTHJ                     G B                   2
C-Walker                  OGC                    3
Goethe                   R G B                   3
Teucer                    O                      1
Tiger                    RO C                    3
Wooble                   ROGC                    4
TOTALS                   34434                  18

Mon, 11 May 2009 17:39 - Office of Tailor created
Tue, 12 May 2009 13:46 - Wooble awards Wooble (+C, +W)
Tue, 12 May 2009 13:46 - Wooble awards Wooble (+B) (Failed - no valid judgment)
Wed, 13 May 2009 08:59 - Tiger awards Tiger (+W, +C)
Mon, 25 May 2009 20:22 - BobTHJ awards Wooble (+R, +O)
Mon, 25 May 2009 20:22 - BobTHJ awards C-Walker (+O)
Mon, 25 May 2009 20:22 - BobTHJ awards BobTHJ (+B)
Mon, 25 May 2009 20:22 - BobTHJ awards ais523 (+B)
---Time of past report---
Thu, 28 May 2009 07:11 - C-Walker awards C-Walker (+W)
Thu, 28 May 2009 08:02 - Tiger awards all players without a white
ribbon (+W to each)
Mon, 01 Jun 2009 14:20 - BobTHJ awards 0x44 (+B)
---Time of past report---
Mon, 08 Jun 2009 14:39 - Proposal 1955 removes W, U, and I, redefines
V to winning
Mon, 08 Jun 2009 20:55 - BobTHJ awards Goethe (+R, +B), Tiger (+O, +R)
---Time of past report---
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:59 - BobTHJ awards BobTHJ (+G), C-Walker (+G), Wooble (+G)
---Time of past report---
Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:38 - C-Walker awards C-Walker (+C)
---Time of past report---
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 20:47 - BobTHJ awards Goethe (+G)
---Time of past report---
Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:20 - BobTHJ awards Teucer (+O)
---Time of last report---

If you perform one of the following actions, you (or anyone else) can
then award yourself the specified Ribbon.

Red            Interested proposal changes rule with Power >= 3
Orange         Interested proposal adopted unanimously
Green          Hold office for full month with no late reports
Cyan           Deputise
Blue           Judge (other than sentence) on time
blacK          Sentence on time
Magenta        Acknowledge B's birthday
Violet         Win
Yellow         Contestmaster with 3+ scorers in a month
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