Geoffrey Spear on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:51:55 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [Promotor] distribution of proposals 1968-1977, report

This distribution of proposals 1968-1977 initiates the Bn
Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters for ordinary
proposals are the active players, the eligible voters for democratic
proposals are the active first-class players, and the vote collector
is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR, AGAINST,

1968 D 0 2.0 Wooble              Stuff I Missed
1969 D 1 3.0 Teucer              The B Nomic Independence Movement
1970 D 1 3.0 C-walker            50% + 1 is Enough
1971 D 1 2.0 C-walker            Spending Gnomes
1972 D 1 2.0 C-walker            IADoP to MoM
1973 D 1 3.0 C-walker            Clarify Fora
1974 O 1 1.0 C-walker            Clarify Fora
1975 D 1 2.0 C-walker            Thank God for Ctrl + F
1976 D 1 2.0 C-walker            Public Sector Merger
1977 O 0 1.0 C-walker            Bring Back The Artisan

chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
interest: 0-3 = interest index

Proposal ID numbers:
     highest orderly: 1977
     disorderly: none


Proposal 1968 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=0) by Wooble
Stuff I Missed

In Rule 94, remove "or Justiciar ".

In Rule 38, replace "Herald" with "Insulator".

In Rule 45, remove:
           c) are Senators if there is currently an Emergency

and replace:
      2) If there is no Emergency Session at the time the decision is
         initiated, the eligible voters are the active players.
         Otherwise, the eligible voters are the active Senators.
      2) The eligible voters are the active players.


Proposal 1969 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Teucer
The B Nomic Independence Movement

To rule 1/0, before the last paragraph, add the list entry "viii   B
is a sovereign nation, whose citizens are its players. While within
the online territory of B Nomic, players have the right to be bound
only by its rules, and penalties SHALL NOT be imposed by B for
violations of the laws of any nation with which B does not have an
extradition treaty."


Proposal 1970 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
50% + 1 is Enough

[[ This allows proposals with simple majority to pass but keeps AIs so we
can still have ordinary/ democratic proposals (Vote Coins and Vote Power).

In Rule 27 (Determining the Will of B), replace point (b) with:


(b) If the decision has an adoption index, then the voting index is the
ratio of the strength of FOR to the strength of AGAINST. If the voting index
is greater than 1, then the outcome is ADOPTED; otherwise, the outcome is



Proposal 1971 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
Spending Gnomes

Enact a new Power 2 Rule entitled "Spending Gnomes" with the following text:


Players CAN squeeze (syn. spend, destroy) Gnomes as follows:

 (VC) A player CAN squeeze a Primary Gnome to create a Vote Coin in a
specified player's possession.

      A player CAN squeeze a Secondary Gnome to create two Vote Coins
in a specified player's possession.

      A player CAN squeeze a National Gnome to create three Vote Coins
in a specifed player's possession.



Proposal 1972 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
IADoP to MoM

In Rule 86 (Interest Index of Offices), replace "IADoP" with "MoM".

In Rule 45 (Election Procedure), replace


As soon as possible after the nomination period ends, the IADoP SHALL
initiate a Decision to determine the new officeholder.




As soon as possible after the nomination period ends, the MoM SHALL
initiate a Decision to determine the new officeholder.


[[ Note to Rulekeepor: the above does not include the entire paragraph
that is being modified. ]]

and replace step 4) of the election procedure with:


4) If there are no valid options for the Decision, instead of
initiating the Decision, the MoM SHALL, in place of initiating the
decision, announce this fact, ending the election.  If there is
exactly one valid option for the Decision, the MoM SHALL, in place of
initiating the Decision, announce the valid option (the candidate),
thus installing that candidate into the office and ending the


In Rule 87 (Periodic Elections), replace "IADoP" with "MoM".

Retitle Rule 88 to "The Minister of Ministries" and replace its entire
text with the following:


The Minister of Ministries is an office; its holder is responsible for
keeping track of officers and reports.

The MoM's report includes the following:

a) The holder of each office.
b) The date on which each holder last came to hold that office.
c) The date when the most recent nomination period for that office began.

The portion of a public message purporting to be an MoM's report that
lists the holder of each office is self-ratifying.



Proposal 1973 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
Clarify Fora

Flip the Publicity of the following Fora to the following values:

spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx - Public
spoon-notices@xxxxxxxxx - Public
spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx - Discussion
irc:// - Discussion


Proposal 1974 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
Clarify Fora

Flip the Publicity of the following Fora to the following values:

spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx - Public
spoon-notices@xxxxxxxxx - Public
spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx - Discussion
irc:// - Discussion


Proposal 1975 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
Thank God for Ctrl + F

In Rule 54 (Judicial Cases Generally), replace the entire third paragraph with:


The Oracle is an office, responsible for managing judicial activity.
The Oracle's report includes the status of all judicial cases that
either require a judge or have at least one applicable judicial
question that has no judgement.


and replace the one remaining instance of "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 55 (Judicial Questions), replace "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 58 (Judge Assignment Generally) replace the first instance of
"CotC" with "Oracle", the remaining instance of "CotC" with "Oracle"
and "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 94 (Interest Index of Judicial Cases), replace "Clerk of the
Courts or Justiciar" with "Oracle".

In Rule 96 (Equity Cases), replace "CotC" with "Oracle".

In Rule 100 (Judicial Retraction and Excess) replace "Clerk of the
Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 101 (The Standing Court) replace the first instance of "CotC"
with "Oracle", "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle" and replace the
last three paragraphs of the same Rule with:


When the Oracle assigns a player as judge, that player becomes sitting.

The Oracle CAN rotate the bench (change all sitting players to
standing) by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so unless there is a
judicial case to which e is obliged to assign a judge, all entities
qualified to be so assigned are poorly qualified, and e immediately
afterwards (in the same announcement) assigns a judge to that case.

When the Oracle recuses a non-supine player with cause, e CAN flip
that player's posture to supine by announcement in a timely fashion.


In Rule 102 (Hawkishness) replace "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 103 (Judicial Rank) replace "Clerk of the Courts" with "Oracle".

In Rule 104 (Linked Assignments) replace "Clerk of the Courts" with
"Oracle" and "CotC" with "Oracle".


Proposal 1976 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker
Public Sector Merger

Repeal Rule 63 (The Notary)

Change the Power of Rule 80 (The Registrar) to 2, and amend it to read, in full:


The Registrar is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
track of players and contracts.

The Registrar's weekly report includes, for each player:

a) Information sufficient to identify and contact em.
b) The date on which e most recently became a player.

The Registrar's weekly report also includes a list of public contracts.

The Registrar's monthly report includes each public contract's text
and set of parties.

The parties to a public contract SHALL keep the Registrar informed of
its text and set of parties.

The parties to a private contract SHOULD keep the Notary informed of
its text and set of parties.  The Notary SHALL disclose this
information (to the extent that e has been informed of it) to the
judge of an equity case pertaining to that contract.  The Notary SHALL
NOT disclose it otherwise, except as explicitly allowed by the
contract, or with the explicit consent of all parties.

The Notary CAN terminate any contract without objection.


Flip the Interest Index of the Registrar office to 2.

Upon the adoption of this proposal, the officer responsible for
keeping track of officers and reports SHALL, as soon as possible,
initiate an election for the Registrar office.


Proposal 1977 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=0) by C-walker
Bring Back The Artisan

Amend Rule 84 by retitling to "The Artisan" and replacing its entire text with:


      The Artisan is an office; its holder is responsible for keeping
      track of classes of assets.

      The Artisan's monthly report includes a list of all public
      classes of assets and their backing documents and recordkeepors.



The proposal pool is empty.
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