Alex Smith on Sat, 9 May 2009 07:26:59 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Refresh Proposal

On Sat, 2009-05-09 at 14:25 +0100, Charles Walker wrote:
> >
> > The Pause is now 5, which means I need to form the first ballot sometime
> > today. If no other RPs have been posted at 5pm UTC, I will be forced to make
> > a ballot with only my RP on.

I submit the following Refresh Proposal:
Destroy all Game Objects except this Refresh Proposal, except those
which are also External Forces.

Cause all External Forces to cease to become Game Objects.

Enact the entire ruleset found at
<>, with the exception of the second
paragraph of rule 1482 (only the first paragraph of rule 1482 counts as
part of the resulting rule), and all rules in the category
"Trophies" (which are not enacted), and with all occurrences of "Agora"
replaced with "B", and flip the ID number, title, power and text of each
such rule to the value it has on that website, and with a power-4 rule
added with the title "RP Bootstrapping", the ID number 5, the text
"Refresh Proposals (in the traditional B Nomic sense) have a power of 4
and take precedence over all rules. Any player can cause this rule to
repeal itself by announcement.".

Flip the Publicity of spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx to Business, and the
publicity of spoon-discussion@xxxxxxxxx to Discussion.

Flip the Citizenship of all apparently sentient beings who attempted to
vote for an RP to Registered.

Flip all switches not yet set by this Refresh Proposal to their default


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