bnomic on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:15:31 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Fix Rule 0

I submit the following Proposal entitled "Fix Rule 0":

Change the text of Rule 0 to the following:

For the purposes of this rule, the term "Potential Emergency Participant"
or PEP shall mean each 
of the current Players of B Nomic as defined by other rules. If, however,
there are fewer than five 
such Players, or who the current Players are is unclear, uncertain, or
ambiguous, then it shall 
instead mean those who were unambiguously players before such uncertainty
or decrease in Player count. 

Each PEP has a Mental State, which is exactly one of Calm, Paranoid, or
Trusting, and defaults to 
Calm. As a game action to the Public Forum or any previously Public Forum
in the past month, a PEP 
may set his Mental State by stating that he does so, and specifying the new
Mental State. If there 
are at least four more PEPs with a Paranoid Mental State than PEPs with a
Trusting Mental State, or 
there are at least five PEPs with a Paranoid Mental State, B Nomic enters a
State of Emergency. 

When this occurs the following Procedure happens:

        1. Game time is halted. Whatever means used in the Game of B Nomic
to track time are stopped as of the 
           beginning of the Emergency. Pending events and deadlines
relative to game time, excepting those 
           specified in this rule, are postponed until game time resumes.
Pending events and deadlines 
           with absolute dates and times do not occur.

        2. The PEP who most recently held the Ministry of Ministries
becomes the Emergency Coordinator.

        3. The most recent Public Forum becomes the Emergency Forum. If for
any reason, the most recent Public 
           Forum is inaccessible, the Emergency Coordinator shall designate
a means for PEPs to communicate as 
           the Emergency Forum, and make a reasonable effort to notify all
other PEPs of the Forum's existence 
           and how it may be accessed for Emergency communication. If for
any reason, the most recent Public 
           Forum is inaccessible, and the Emergency Coordinator fails to
either designate an Emergency Forum or
           notify the PEPs within 24 hours of the Game entering a State of
Emergency, any PEP may designate an 
           Emergency Forum if he notifies the other PEPs of its existence
and how it may be accessed for 
           emergency communication.

        4. The Pause is initialized at zero. This Procedure tracks time
spent using the Pause. Until the 
           completion of the Procedure, the Pause is increased by one each
day at 00:00:00 UTC. Once per day, 
           the Emergency Coordinator may announce to the Emergency Forum
his intention to increment the pause. 
           If no PEP voices objection to this action on the Emergency Forum
within 24 hours, the value of the 
           Pause is incremented by one. If, at any time, the Pause has not
been incremented in the last 48 
           hours, it is incremented by one.

        5. At any time before the value of the Pause is 5, each PEP may
submit a Refresh Proposal, aimed at 
           either resuming or ending the Game, and may revise or withdraw
his own Refresh Proposal, via the 
           Emergency Forum. A Refresh Proposal consists of a list of
changes which may affect any aspect of the 
           Game or the state of the Game, including, but not limited to:
rules, mackerel, player attributes, the 
           valid list of Players, current holders of any Ministries, and
the legitimacy and/or actuality of any 
           action taken in the context of the Game.

        6. When the value of the Pause is 5, any PEP can, and the Emergency
Coordinator shall, gather all 
           submitted Refresh Proposals into a Ballot and publish it.

        7. Each PEP may cast a single Ballot by announcing it via the
Emergency Forum. This Ballot shall rank 
           some or all of the Refresh Proposals in order of preference with
the most-preferred alternative being 
           ranked first, and less-prefered alternatives being given
subsequently higher integers.

        8. When the value of the Pause is 7, any PEP can, and the Emergency
Coordinator shall, tally the ballots 
           using the Ranked Pairs algorithm. The Refresh Proposal chosen by
the ballots shall be the selected 
           refresh proposal.

        9. All changes listed in the selected refresh proposal occur,
implemented by the Emergency Coordinator 
           as needed. All PEPs become Calm. If all current Emergency
procedures have been running for 14 days 
           or more, any PEP can initiate another one, to run independently
of the current one. This Emergency 
           Procedure will start at step 3, and the PEP that initiated it
will be the Emergency COordinator. 
If at any point, during the State of Emergency, there are fewer than five
Paranoid PEPs, or the number 
of Paranoid PEPs is fewer than three more than the number of Trusting PEPs,
all running Emergency 
procedures stop and B Nomic exits the State of Emergency and normal game
time resumes. At the beginning 
of Mulberry, nday 3, any PEPs who are Paranoid become Calm iff the value of
the Threat Flag is Pink Ponies.


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