Tyler on Sun, 5 Oct 2008 16:29:40 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] BlackCorp Motion: member to VS draft 2

Now this is on its own thread. No differences within the {{}} brackets.

I submit the following Motion for Black Corporation, and vote FOR the same:
Make the following Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation:

Change Paragraph 2 to read:
A Voting Sockholder is an object defined by this Contract, and can be
referred to as a VS. Only a Player may become a Voting Sockholder, and only
as specified in this Contract. A Voting Sockholder ceases to be a Voting
Sockholder if and only if: he ceases to be a Player OR he ceases to own a
Black Sock. If a Player is a member (a term previously used by this
Contract) of this Contract or Corporation he ceases to be so and becomes
instead a Voting Sockholder.

Throughout all paragraphs, with the exception of paragraph 2, change all
instances of "member" to "Voting Sockholder", and "members" to "Voting

Change Paragraph 8 to read:
8. All Voting Sockholders are to ensure the continued success of the Black
Corporation by changing Proposal Colors to Black. The Figurehead is
responsible for Maintaining Maximum Morale!

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