Roger Hicks on Tue, 1 Jan 2008 17:08:31 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Simplify opposition

I submit the following proposal titled "Simplify Opposition" with the text:
Amend rule 18 by replacing the section "Overriding Consultations" with:
When a Priest submits an answer to a consultation, within three ndays
(or ndelays if the clock is off) since its submission, any player
except the Unbeliever and the Supplicant may, as a Game Action, claim
the Answer and the Oracularity (if one exists) to be inconsistent. A
Player may not Claim an answer submitted by a Priest who is currently
his Twin to be Inconsistent. A player may withdraw a claim of
inconsistency as a Game Action.

At the end of the third nday (or ndelay) since the Answer has been
submitted the Oracle shall tally any such Claims. If there exist an
equal amount or more Claims of inconsistency than Quorum, the
consultation ceases to be Answered and becomes Waiting. The Oracle
shall then immediately assign a new Priest to the Consultation. The
previous Priest's answer and Oracularity (if any) is discarded.
[[NOTE: This eliminates the need to claim consistency. A claim of
consistency is automatically assumed unless stated otherwise.]]

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