Justin Ahmann on Fri, 7 Dec 2007 21:53:05 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Why should we all be happy instead of being happy?

If my Panic Button is Off, I turn it On.  Otherwise, I turn it Off.

I erase any writing on my Panic Button.

I declare the Game Action "If my Panic Button is Off, I turn it On.  Otherwise, I turn it Off," submitted by Player Codae, to be Invalid.

I submit a Consultation:
Consultation 64:
To turn one's Panic Button On if it is Off, or otherwise to turn it Off, is valid.

I (as an unregulated action) point out that "Consultation 64:" is part of the text of my Consultation, not its number.

I also (as an unregulated action) point out that, if the Consultation is answered Yes, I do not expect to lose 10 points by Rule 1-10, as the the action I attempted to perform did not include "Consultation 64:" in any way.

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