Jamie Dallaire on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 20:44:50 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal:

I submit the following proposal:

Amend rule 2-2, under the heading "Conflict Culling", to read:
When Conflict Culling occurs, every Open proposal is processed in descending
order of Strength, and in ascending order of Proposal Number when Strength
is equal. When a proposal is processed in this manner, if it is Won, then
every proposal that Conflicts with it becomes Lost.

[[The way Conflict Culling reads currently, conflicting proposals with equal
strength are processed in descending order of Proposal Number, meaning
proposals submitted later are processed first and can knock out earlier

[[This fix allows a player whose proposal is targeted directly by a proposal
submitted later (or even indirectly, i.e. they happen to contradict each
other) to modify his own proposal and declare it in conflict with the later
proposal. As long as the original proposal passes, the later one is not a
threat unless it can muster more strength, in which case the original
proposal should logically fail anyway...]]

Add a paragraph to Rule 2-2, under the heading "Submission and Revision",
that reads:
If, in the Chairman's judgment, a revision radically alters the nature or
purpose of a Pending Proposal, he may reassign it a new Proposal Number
greater than those of all other Pending Proposals. Any player may, with 1
more supporter than objections within 2 ndays, force the Chairman to take
such action.

[[This should prevent players from "reserving" low proposal numbers by
submitting bogus proposals early in the week, just in case they might
eventually need to conflict with something later, unspecified for the

Billy Pilgrim
spoon-business mailing list