Peter Cooper Jr. on Mon, 9 Jul 2007 18:42:55 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] End of nweek 126 Change/Law results

As Chairman, I assign the following proposal numbers:

Prop #  Name                                    Author
------  --------------------------------------  -------
107     will I ever get it right ?              Antonio
108     Organisms                               BobTHJ
109     (Untitled Proposal)                     Antonio
110     No Artificial Life Forms, Please        Peter
111     Winday is for Winning                   Peter
112     Completely Redoing Our Post System      Peter
113     Voters should be Sentient               Antonio
114     Fun with Factions                       Peter
115     Let the Factions Vote, Option 1         Peter
116     Let the Factions Vote, Option 2         Peter
117     Reject the artificial players           Peter
118     Voting Factions                         BobTHJ
119     Turing Test Disambiguation              Zach
120     Withdrawing Proposals                   BobTHJ
121     Let the Factions Vote, Option 3         Peter
122     Let the Factions Vote, Option 4         Peter
123     Don't penalize for Won Failures         Peter

Summary of voting results from nweek 126:
Prop #  Name                               FOR  AGAINST Result
------  ---------------------------------- ---- ------- ------
107     will I ever get it right ?           5       0  PASS
108     Organisms                            2       1  PASS
109     (Untitled Proposal)                  4       1  PASS
110     No Artificial Life Forms, Please     1       4  FAIL
111     Winday is for Winning                5       0  PASS
112     Completely Redoing Our Post System   5       0  PASS
113     Voters should be Sentient            1       4  FAIL
114     Fun with Factions                    2       1  PASS
115     Let the Factions Vote, Option 1      0       5  FAIL
116     Let the Factions Vote, Option 2      1       4  FAIL
117     Reject the artificial players        2       3  FAIL
118     Voting Factions                      2       3  FAIL
119     Turing Test Disambiguation           2       1  PASS
120     Withdrawing Proposals                5       0  PASS
121     Let the Factions Vote, Option 3      1       4  FAIL
122     Let the Factions Vote, Option 4      3       2  PASS
123     Don't penalize for Won Failures      5       0  PASS

Interestingly, despite us finally using the dependencies and conflicts
system a lot, it didn't change any Won proposals to Lost.

Full voting results are posted at
Please double-check it for accuracy.

Passed Proposal Results:
p107: Amends Rule 2-5.
p108: I'm just going to ignore this one for now.
p109: Amends Rule 3-4.
p111: Amends "Win By Points" victory condition.
p112: Creates rule "Setting up the Minister System".
p114: Creates section "Factions" which I assign number 5, rule
      "Agreements" in section 5 that I assign number 5-1, and rule
      "Factions" in section 5 that I assign number 5-2. It also amends
      the "Setting up the Minister System" rule.
p119: Amends Rule 1-4. Creates rule "Membership Test" which I assign
      number 1-17.
p120: Amends Rule 2-2.
p122: Amends Rule 5-2, Rule 2-2, and Rule 2-2 again. Creates Rule
      "Factions May Vote" which I assign number 5-3. Creates Rule
      "Players May Vote" which I assign number 2-7.
p123: Amends Rule 2-6.

The "Setting up the Minister System" rule: Removes Rules 1-5, 3-3, and
3-4. Creates section "Ministries" which I assign number 6. Creates 7
rules that I number 6-1 through 6-7. Amends Rules 0, 1-4, 1-8, 2-1,
2-2, 2-5, and 4-4. It then turns the clock off, ensures Ministries are
Vacant (I've since filled a few of them, so that I can make this
update to say that it was Vacant at that point), and removes itself.

Peter C.
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