Daniel Lepage on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:42:44 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] The Great Reset of Nweek 112

I also second this tweak.

BTW, Eugene, you seconded to -discuss, though this isn't a problem if  
Peter recognizes it anyway within 48 hours.


On Nov 15, 2006, at 3:36 PM, Eugene Meidinger wrote:

> I SECOND. Whee.
> On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 19:18 -0500, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
>> So, here's my Tweak to reset everything. See end of this message for
>> more details on where we go from here.
>> I submit this Tweak:
>> _The Great Reset of Nweek 112_
>> {{
>> Destroy any and all objects that are a part of the game except for
>> this Tweak and the players named Peter, Wonko, and Antonio.
>> Create the following Rules and Sections.
>> {{
>> Section 1: Foundation
>> {{
>> Rule 1-1/0: The Game of B
>> {{
>> The name of this game is B Nomic.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-2/0: Game Objects
>> {{
>> The game of B Nomic consists entirely of Game Objects, which may be
>> known simply as Objects. Anything that exists in the game is an
>> Object, and anything that is not an Object is not in the game.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-3/0: Outsiders
>> {{
>> An External Force is anything which exists independently of the
>> game. That is, it would still exist if the game stopped existing, and
>> would still exist if the game had never started existing.
>> An Outsider is an External Force which is also an Object. [[ i.e.,
>> something that exists outside of the game but is also acknowledged by
>> the rules as influencing the state of the game, and thus exists  
>> within
>> the game as well, such as a player.]]
>> }}
>> Rule 1-4/0: Joining and Leaving
>> {{
>> A Player is an Outsider who consents to be governed by the rules,
>> fulfills all requirements for continued playerhood specified by the
>> rules, and has become a Player in a manner specified by the rules.
>> An External Force may become a Player by posting a message to a  
>> Public
>> Forum containing a request to become a Player and a uniquely
>> identifying name that e wishes to be known by. E may do this if and
>> only if e fulfills the following requirements:
>>  * E is capable of passing a Turing Test
>>  * E is not currently a Player
>>  * E has a working e-mail address
>> A Player may cease to be a Player by Forfeiting the game; this  
>> must be
>> done in a Public Forum unless there are no working public fora, in
>> which case e may notify the Administrator privately instead.
>> No restrictions may be placed on when a player may forfeit; any  
>> player
>> may forfeit the game at any time (regardless of any timekeeping  
>> device
>> used in the game).
>> }}
>> Rule 1-5/0: Administrator
>> {{
>> The Player designated as the Administrator is responsible for  
>> ensuring
>> that players understand the current state of the game. The
>> Administrator is the authority used to interpret the current state of
>> the game.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-6/0: Game Documents
>> {{
>> Some Objects are known as Game Documents. Each Game Document  
>> includes a
>> body of text.
>> In each Game Document, with the exception of this paragraph, text  
>> between
>> doubled square brackets (that is, text between "[[" and "]]")  
>> shall be
>> deemed Comment Text. Comment Text has no direct effect on the  
>> state of
>> the game, although it can be read.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-7/0: Revision
>> {{
>> Game Documents may be specified by the rules as Revisable. Every
>> Revisable Document has a revision number associated with it. This is
>> an integer that is equal to zero when the Document is created and is
>> increased by one every time it is modified.
>> Note that an object that is not Revisable may still be changeable; it
>> simply will not be assigned revision numbers according to this rule.
>> The revision number may be specified by appending a slash (/) and the
>> revision number to the identifying number of the document.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-8/0: Rules
>> {{
>> Rules are Revisable Game Documents that define how this game is
>> played. Each Rule may have a Name and a Number.
>> Rules may be contained in Sections, which may each have a Name and a
>> Number.
>> The Administrator may, as a Game Action, do any of the following:
>>  * Add, change, or remove a Rule's Number.
>>  * Create a Section.
>>  * Add, change, or remove a Section's Number or Name.
>>  * Remove a Section, causing all Rules in that section to no  
>> longer be
>>    contained by a Section.
>>  * Move a Rule into a Section.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-9/0: Fora
>> {{
>> A Forum is any External Force that allows Outsiders to communicate.
>> Each forum may be designated as one of the terms Private, Public, or
>> Discussion. All Fora are initially Private.
>> }}
>> Rule 1-10/0: Game Actions
>> {{
>> A Game Action is defined as any activity specified by the rules to be
>> a Game Action. Any Player may take any Game Action at any time unless
>> the rules say otherwise. Other Outsiders may also take Game  
>> Actions if
>> explicitly permitted by the rules. To perform a Game Action, an
>> Outsider must post a message to a Public Forum specifying that e is
>> taking that action. E must also specify any targets and/or parameters
>> necessary for that action [[for example, you must specify a proposal
>> in order to vote against a proposal]]. E may list multiple actions
>> that e wishes to take, in which case e takes them in the order e  
>> lists
>> them. E may also state a specific positive integer to perform a
>> particular action that many times (if legal, of course)
>> sequentially. The Rules also have the power to cause an Outsider to
>> take Game Actions whether e posts or not.
>> Game Actions occur upon reaching the appropriate fora, in the order
>> they arrived, unless a rule states otherwise. A Game Action that is
>> caused by a Rule instead of by a Forum Post takes place at the time
>> specified by the rule.
>> Text to the effect that "any player may do X" should be interpreted
>> to mean that X is a Game Action; but such a declaration implies that
>> only players may take the Game Action X (unless another declaration
>> permits other Outsiders to as well).
>> }}
>> Rule 1-11/0: Submission
>> {{
>> The rules may state that it is legal for Outsiders to Submit certain
>> document types as a Game Action. To Submit a Game Document, an
>> Outsider must provide a full description of the Document in the  
>> Public
>> Forum message where they take the Action of Submitting.
>> }}
>> }}
>> Section 2: Gameplay
>> {{
>> Rule 2-1/0: NTime
>> {{
>> === Definition ===
>> There is a Game Object known as The Clock. The Clock consists of the
>> following values:
>>  * A positive integer known as the nweek
>>  * A positive integer known as the nday
>>  * A state of being Off or On
>>  * A nonnegative integer known as the ndelay
>> === Clock Changes ===
>> At midnight (00:00:00) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), if the Clock
>> is On, then the nday is incremented by 1. Otherwise, the ndelay is
>> incremented by 1. [[An online UTC clock is available at
>> http://www.time.gov/.]]
>> If the nday would be set to a value greater than 12, instead it is  
>> set
>> to 1, and the nweek is incremented by 1.
>> The Clock may be changed from Off to On or from On to Off as a Game
>> Action by the Administrator. When the Clock is turned On, the ndelay
>> is set to zero.
>> === Durations ===
>> A duration to the effect of "X ndays", where X is a number, shall be
>> interpreted to mean that the duration ends at the end of the nday
>> after X consecutive changes of that value. [[Thus, if it is currently
>> the middle of nday 2, something happening "in 2 ndays" will occur at
>> the end of nday 4.]]
>> A duration to the effect of "X ndelays", where X is a number,  
>> shall be
>> interpreted to mean that the duration ends at the end of the ndelay
>> after X consecutive changes of that value. The resetting of an ndelay
>> to 0 from the Clock being turned On does not count as a change for  
>> the
>> purposes of this paragraph.
>> A duration to the effect of "X nweeks", where X is a number, shall be
>> interpreted to mean that the duration ends at the end of the nday  
>> when
>> the nday is the same value, but the nweek is increased by X.
>> === Nyears ===
>> A period of 10 nweeks is known as an nyear. Hence, the first 10  
>> nweeks
>> (1-10 on the Clock) comprise nyear 1, the second (11-20 on the Clock)
>> comprise nyear 2, and so on.
>> === Starts and ends of nday ===
>> All events occurring at the end of an nday occur before all events
>> occurring at the beginning of the next nday.
>> }}
>> Rule 2-2/0: Proposals
>> {{
>> As a Game Action, players may submit a Proposal. Proposals are
>> Revisable Game Documents that list changes to be made to the
>> game. Proposals may have a Name and a Number. However, a proposal
>> submission may not include a Proposal Number. A Proposal is in one of
>> the states of Pending, Open, and Historical. A Proposal is initially
>> Pending.
>> The Administrator may set a Proposal's Number as a Game Action.
>> The Player who submitted a proposal that is Pending may revise its
>> body of text and/or Name by resubmitting it.
>> At the beginning of nday 9 of each nweek, all Pending Proposals  
>> become
>> Open.
>> As a Game Action, a Player may submit a Vote on an Open Proposal of
>> one of the words FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN. The most recent Vote on a
>> Proposal by a Player is called that player's Final Vote on that
>> Proposal.
>> At the end of nday 12 of each nweek, all Open Proposals become
>> Historical.
>> When a Proposal becomes Historical, if there exist more players whose
>> Final Vote on that proposal was FOR than there exist players whose
>> Final Vote on that proposal was AGAINST, the Proposal Passes.
>> When a Proposal Passes, its list of changes to the game occur.
>> }}
>> }}
>> }}
>> Designate the player known as Peter as the Administrator.
>> Make the spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx mailing list a Public Forum.
>> Make the spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx mailing list a Discussion Forum.
>> Set The Clock to an nweek of 112, an nday of 1, a state of On, and an
>> ndelay of 0.
>> }}
>> As I think I'm a Minister of Change, I recognize this Tweak and  
>> assign
>> it number 374.
>> It is currently nweek 112, nday 1, ndelay 180. At midnight UTC
>> (roughly 23.75 hours from now), this Tweak will become Open. Before
>> then, I can revise it, which may be useful if other players show up
>> that don't want to be deleted. (Although getting deleted isn't so  
>> bad,
>> as becoming a player again is fairly easy.) But the only players who
>> said they were definitely coming back were Wonko and Antonio.
>> After it becomes Open, before 00:00:00 on Monday UTC (Which is Sunday
>> at 7pm Eastern Time for me), two other players need to SECOND this
>> Tweak, and no players can OBJECT to it. If that happens, then this
>> Tweak will get implemented at that time.
>> (Now, of course, if someone does have objections to this, they can
>> object and we can work on a new tweak that resolves issues people  
>> have
>> with this one. But I think that this is probably a fine starting  
>> point
>> and we can make tons of changes via proposal once we turn the clock
>> back on.)
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Daniel Lepage

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