Peter Cooper Jr. on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 19:39:54 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Nweek 102 Voting Results

Motion 302/4 Design Offering Undoing Bureaucratic Talisman (Triller)
FOR  : TheVoice, FishFace, Wonko, Charles, Triller, Peter
MAYBE: comex
ABSTN: Antonio
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Triller gains 13A.

> Death, please update talismans accordingly.

Motion 303/3 Chad Handling And Rarity Issues Suggest Myriad Amendments
FOR  : TheVoice, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, Triller, comex
AGNST: FishFace
MAYBE: Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-1-1-0-0). Measure Passes. Triller gains 13A.

> Death, please update talismans accordingly.
> Amended Rule 7-2/8.
> Amended Rule 1-2/7.

Motion 304/0 Require Immediate Puzzle Pod Location Execution (Triller)
FOR  : Charles, Triller
AGNST: FishFace, Wonko, Antonio, comex
MAYBE: TheVoice
MYBNT: Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (2-4-1-1-0). Measure Fails.

Motion 305/2 Set Amplitude Minimum Explicitly (Triller)
FOR  : TheVoice, Antonio, Charles, Triller
AGNST: FishFace, Wonko
MAYBE: comex
MYBNT: Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-2-1-1-0). Measure Passes. Triller gains 9A.

> Amended Rule 3-4/9.

Motion 307/1 Talismanic Rarity Incongruities Plead Emendation (Triller)
FOR  : TheVoice, FishFace, Charles, Triller, comex, Peter
AGNST: Antonio
MAYBE: Wonko
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-1-1-0-0). Measure Passes. Triller gains 13A.

> Death, please update talismans accordingly.

Motion 308/0 Quest Queue Quite Quixotic (EugeneMeidinger)
FOR  : Antonio, comex
AGNST: FishFace, Wonko, Triller, Peter
ABSTN: Charles
MYBNT: TheVoice
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (2-4-0-1-1). Measure Fails.

Motion 309/0 Attempt at Proposal (comex)
FOR  : TheVoice, FishFace, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, Triller, comex, Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (8-0-0-0-0). Measure Passes. comex gains 16A.

> Amended Rule 3-3/23.
> [["This will not pass", indeed. It's the only prop that got all 16
> votes that it could with 8 players voting.]]

Motion 310/1 Permitting Partial Pen Persistence (Wonko)
FOR  : TheVoice, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, Triller, comex
AGNST: FishFace, Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-2-0-0-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 12A.

> Death, please add this talisman.

Motion 311/0 Uncommonly Good Talismans (Wonko)
FOR  : TheVoice, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, Triller, comex
AGNST: FishFace, Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-2-0-0-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 12A.

> Amended Rule 7-2/9.

Motion 312/0 A Fate Worse Than Death (Wonko)
FOR  : TheVoice, FishFace, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, Triller
MAYBE: comex, Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-2-0-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 14A.

> Amended Rule 10-2/3.

Motion 313/0 Superpowers, Take 3 (4?) (Wonko)
FOR  : TheVoice, FishFace, Wonko, Antonio, Charles, comex
AGNST: Triller, Peter
Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-2-0-0-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 12A.

> Created Rule 10-11/0.
> Super, please create the list of superpowers. (I think it falls
> under "any Condition or Attribute defined in Chapter 10 of the
> Rules", and thus under the Super's supervision. Let me know if I'm
> wrong.)

                Amplitude  Genechips
Voting             11A

Voting             11A

Voting             11A
p310               12A       3GC (Alliteration)
p311               12A
p312               14A
p313               12A
                   ---      ----
                   61A       3GC

Voting             10A

Voting             10A

Voting             11A
p302               13A       3GC (Acronym)
p303               13A       3GC (Acronym)
p305                9A       3GC (Acronym)
p307               13A       3GC (Acronym)
                   ---      ----
                   59A      12GC
Amplitude Amp.     59A

Voting             11A
p309               16A

Voting             11A
Amplitude Amp.     11A

Peter C.
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