automailer on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:08:51 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger submits p308

EugeneMeidinger has submitted a new Motion, p308.

Motion 308/0: Quest Queue Quite Quixotic
A Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
Last modified on nweek 102, nday 3

[[First draft, A bit unorganized but the general idea is there.]]

Create the following rule under section 2:

Quests are a type of Game document. Quests are not Motions but are treated as such except where stated otherwise. Any unstated characteristics of Quests is assumed to be identical to those of Proposals.

At the time a Motion is created, a Minister of Change assigns it a unique serial number that is at least 1 higher than all Motions created before it.

A Quest consists of a list of conditions and a list of rewards. A Quest has five possible states: Pending, Open, Stacked, Current, and Historical.

Whenever a Quest passes, instead of changing to Historical and having an effect listed on the Quest it becomes Stacked. If a Quest fails the the owner loses 10 GC, otherwise e receives 5 GC and NOTHING ELSE[[No bonuses garnered by passed props]].

A play may submit any number of Quests less than of tenth of eir GC per nweek.

When the conditions of the Current Quest are met, it becomes Historical, the oldest Stacked Quest becomes Current, and any objects listed under the rewards are given to the player who caused the last condition to be met. The rewards may also list changes to the game which are at this time acted out.

Create the following quest with the state of Current:
==Cartography Catastrophe==

Conditions:A player has been in each room of the Haunted House. The only locations counted are the current ones at the end of each nday.

5 Pens
The Title of Master Mapper

[[Side note: The current wording would allow for multiple "Current" Quests if another proposal were to make one start in such a state. So you could have multiple goals to reach for at any one time. P.S. I LOVE google toolbar spell check.]]

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