Mark Walsh on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 21:25:18 -0600 (CST)

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RE: [s-b] House Action

On: 11/19/05 7:10:50 PM Triller sent:
> Subject: [s-b] House Action
> I train twice (expending 2 Action Points).
> [[ I want that Puzzling Contraption ]].
> Triller

I recognize this; Dice to follow.

># Training Room Roll
># First Die
># 1 = Acuity
># 2 = Strength
># 3= Nimbleness
># Second Die
># must be ONE for increase.
>No. of sides on every die: 3
>No. of dice for every roll: 1
>No. of dice rolls requested: 2
>No. of rolls per line: 1

Triller's Training #1:
Acuity increased by 1 (8 to 9).

>No. of sides on every die: 3
>No. of dice for every roll: 1
>No. of dice rolls requested: 2
>No. of rolls per line: 1

Triller's Training #2:
Attempt fails.

Triller now has Acuity of 9; other attributes unchanged.
Triller expended 2 Action Points and now has 6 remaining.
Updates forthcoming.


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